Water and Waste Water Management

Water and Waste Water Management

We undertake design and engineering for your specific requirements in the field of water management. A complete package service includes design, Engineering, identification of vendors and costing. We also offer our services for inspection, supervision of erection and commissioning.

a. Ground water resource impact Assessment

Wasmanpro provides a frame work to visualise the ground water properties and impacts of the projects on the ground water based on predictive simulations and helps the client in improving the understanding of scientific, socio-economic, legal, institutional and environmental issues related to the management of aquifers.

b. Urban water sensitive design

Wasmanpro Designs to reduce environmental degradation, while also meeting socioeconomic needs also to improve the aesthetic or recreational value of an area. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is a conceptual approach to urban water management, which has become increasingly popular in recent years, with considerable advancement. Water Sensitive Urban Design is a broad term that describes types of land planning or engineering design that support the sustainable management of the whole urban water cycle; including water supply, water reuse, wastewater management, and groundwater or surface water management.

c. Water and waste water Audit

Wasmanpro has well defined globally accepted process of obtaining a water balance by measuring the flow of water from the site of water withdrawal or treatment through the water distribution system and into areas where it is used and finally discharged.

Our audit provides greater water efficiency solutions and cost savings for meeting internal policies, complying with legal obligations or demonstrating a commitment to sustainability

d. Urban Lake Management

Water bodies such as, ponds, tanks and other wetlands are an integral part of the hydrological cycle. Properly managed lakes, in urban areas have an important role as a source of water supply, controlling run-off and groundwater recharge. These water bodies also host a wide variety of flora and fauna, provide recreation spaces and improve micro climate in the built environment

Wasmanpro accomplished several urban lake management plans over the very few years, with our vast experience; we guide our client to undertake urban lake management effectively with cost benefit analysis.

e. Faecal Sludge Treatment and reuse

Faecal sludge management is a relatively new term and field that is gaining increased acknowledgement in the sanitation sector. Wasmanpro binds the gap in the Faecal Sludge Treatment and reuse by defining the fact that derives the faecal treatment and guiding the clients from both government and government sector in developing a viable and implementing the working model.

f. Vermifilteration

Wasmanpro introduce the unique filtration system to its client, where vermifiltration proves to be cost effective in handling the faecal sludge potentially obtaining the compost as the by-product.