Urban Air Quality Monitoring Plan

Urban Air Pollution

  • Urban air pollution is a complex mix of gases and particulate matter that negatively affect communities living in and around urban areas. It’s most recognisable by that thick brown haze which blankets cities across the world, especially in summer, known as photochemical smog.
  • Nitrogen dioxide, ground-level ozone and particulate matter are the three main air pollutants in modern cities and the health effects of these are well-documented. These three, as well as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, are known as ‘criteria pollutants’. Criteria pollutants are included in national air quality standards that define allowable concentrations of pollutants in ambient air.
  • Wasmanpro has the longestestablished specialist air quality team and experienced experts. Our air quality professionals apply cutting-edge science and methodologies to the development of tailored solutions to facility, local and regional air quality issues.
  • Our practice is characterised by the highest level of technical and scientific skills, informed by the specific needs of our clients.

We offer our clients:

  • Unique regional modelling capabilities.
  • Specific expertise in a wide variety of industries, including oil and gas, automotive, glass, steel, mining, ports, transportation, agricultural and waste management
  • Expertise with numerous air quality models, CALPUFF, AERMOD etc.
  • Integrated risk management for air quality decision making
  • Innovative sensor-based measurement solutions for highly spatially and temporally resolved air quality information.

Environmental specializes:

  • Air Quality Compliance and Permitting
  • Urban air assessment
  • Exposure assessment
  • Air Toxics Health Risk Assessment
  • Air Quality Related Risk Management Planning
  • Expert Air Quality
  • Ambient Air Emissions Monitoring Program
  • Risk Assessment Planning and Emergency Release Analysis
  • Regional Plan Services
  • urban-scale modeling
  • Carbon Emission Trading and Foot printing
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Noise and Acoustics
  • Meteorological Litigation support
  • Worker Exposure Monitoring,
  • Industrial and Commercial Air Sampling,
  • Meteorological Research,
  • Deposition Monitoring,
  • Odor Sampling,
  • Fumigant Flux Research,
  • Noise Monitoring.