Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental impact Assessment studies are required to understand the impact of a proposed project on the environment. There are various environmental factors which are considered during the study. WasmanPro has enormous experience in Environmental Impact Assessment studies. We have successfully carried out Environmental Impact Assessment Studies for projects.

a. Social Impact Assessment

A social impact assessment (SIA) is a proactive and anticipatory tool used to help understand the potential impacts that a proposed project may have on a community. The growing interest in impact measurement have arisen concern over the lack of shared, reliable principles of how to assess the outcomes related to social impact .

Wasmanpro with globally Accepted process and procedure carry out baseline studies and generate the data for SIA which includes Socio-economic profile in terms of demographic characteristics, land use pattern, economic profile, occupational pattern and other socio-economic parameters.

b. Environmental & Social Management Framework

ESMF is an instrument that examines the issues and impacts associated when a project consists of a program and series of sub-projects Depending on the nature and location, the project initiatives such as coastal protection measures, waste management, tourism infrastructure, livelihood support interventions, development of smart villages, etc. are likely to result in positive and negative impacts on the project area during their construction, operations and maintenance phases.

Wasmanpro nurtures the client with a set of agreed policies, guidelines, procedures, implementation roles and responsibilities to be integrated into the implementation of the project and describes the principles, objectives and approach to be followed in minimizing and mitigation of the adverse environmental and social impacts caused by implementation of the project.

c. City Sanitation Master Plan

Wasmanpro provides a strategic planning process for providing a sanitation program for a city for both solid and liquid waste collection, transportation, treatment and disposal both in technical aspects and non technical aspects for the government sectors, non government associations and various public private partnerships.

d. Gender Responsive Project

The success of a project or a plan vastly depends on the equal contribution from both the gender of the society.

Wasmanpro prepares Gender responsive project by formulating gender responsive indicators and establishing a gender responsive monitoring system, budget and human resource policy with result oriented programs. Each development measure modelled by Wasmanpro involves a steering structure. The primary functions of the steering structure include resource management, strategy, decision-making, planning, coordination, conflict and risk management, supervision and results-based monitoring. Each of these functions includes a gender dimension.

e. Stake Holders Management Plan

Wasmanpro Identifies and develop a site specific strategies to engage the stakeholders throughout the project life cycle to provide a clear and actionable plan to implement the project.

f. Risk Assessment

Wasmanpro set of matrix for identifying the risk involved in each and every type of industries and organisation by using various tools to locate the specific risk in to the pre identified risk matrix to works through analysis and evaluation in order to develop a control measures to be implemented.

g. Disaster Management

Wasmanpro devised an emergency preparedness plan from the past disaster handled by the human race and also assist in the prevention of disaster to the maximum extent by human knowledge through the use of smart sensors and warning devises with IOT.

h. Environmental Clearance

Wasmanpro provides has a consistency record for obtaining environmental clearance certificate for its client since the inaugural of the organisation. Our organisation follows a universally accepted process in the preparation of allied reports essential for obtaining the clearance.

i. CRZ clearance

Wasmanpro aids the client in obtaining Costal Zone regulatory Clearance by devising appropriate coastal zone management plan, conservation of marine ecology with regulatory measures. We have a special proven record of obtaining CRZ clearance for government aided desalination projects